Crab meat and baby scallop penne rosso 🍝🍅 3000cc water 30g salt 130g penne 1 garlic 1chili pepper 10g anchovy paste olive oil 100g baby scallop 100g crab meat 200g tomato 5cc nam pla mituba チャンネル登録お願い致します <(_ _)> ↑Youtubeアイコ…
Sweet and spicy simmered mackerel 1000cc water 1 kombu 1 chili pepper 2 slice ginger 100cc soysauce 100cc mirin 50cc shirodashi 30+30g brown sugaer 2 mackerel (8cut fillet) long leek leaf shiitake, hiratake 20cc plum jam yuzu citron skin …
Doubanjiang HOT sauce of pork and chinese cabegge chop suey 1 garlic 30g ginger 3 chili pepper 30g doubanjiang negi oil 350g pork meat 140g banboo shoots 70g kikurage mushroom 450g chinese cabegge : hakusai 20cc shaoxing sake 30cc shiroda…
Pork tripe hot pot spicy miso flavor 【Dashi : soup stock】 1000cc water 1 kombu 30g sababushi 220g pork tripe 500g tofu shiitake,hiratake 10cc shirodashi 10cc mirin 40cc kimuchi sauce chinese cabegge : hakusai long leek mituba チャンネル…
Beef tongue bowl ・ Oyster Tempra 【Beef tongue Long leek sauce】 40g long leek black pepper 10cc sesami oil 3cc~ shirodashi Beef tongue salt&pepper sesami oil steamed rice mituba 【Oyster Tempra】 50g tempura powder 80cc soda 150g oyster…
Flounder set meal 【Flounder soup】 1000cc water 1 kombu 30g sababushi 350g Flounder (head,bone,fin) 5g salt 5cc mirin 5cc sake 【Flounder Tempura】 50g Tempura powder 80cc soda 【Flounder don】 sujiko: salted samon roe チャンネル登録お願…
Stir fried pork peppers and bamboo shoots in oyster sauce 1 garlic 2 slice ginger 1 chili pepper negi oil 300g pork meat 120g bamboo shoots 170g green bell pepper 60g long leek 20cc Shaoxing sake pepper 20cc shirodashi 30cc~ oyster sauce …
Mushroom and bacon penne 🍝🍄🥓 130g penne 3000cc water 30g salt 1 garlic 1 chili pepper 10g anchovy paste 100g becon 300g mushroom eringi,shiitake,hiratake 10cc white wine 5cc~ nam pla 3cc shirodashi mituba チャンネル登録お願い致します <(_ _)> …
Prikara Tukemen Hot spicy soup dipping ramen 750cc water 1 kombu 30g sababushi 1 garlic 2 ginger slice 1 chili pepper 20g doubanjiang 200g pork meat 150g mushroom : eringi,hiratake,shiitake 50g long leek 15cc~ shirodashi 10cc mirin 5cc~ s…
Baby scallops and squid pescatora linguine 130g linguine 3000cc water 30g salt 1 garlic 1 chili pepper 10g anchovy paste olive oil 200g scallops 140g squid 70g cherry tomato 20cc white wine 5cc~ nam pla olive oil mituba チャンネル登録お願…
Oyster and bacon,garlic sprout butter saute. Chestnut rice 【Chestnut rice : Kurigohan】 450g (3cups) rice 300g chestnut 1 kombu 10cc sake 10cc shirodashi 【Oyster saute】 150g oyster 130g bacon 150g garlic sprout 1 garlic 1 chili pepper …
NABEYAKI meat udon miso flavor 🍲🍜 1000cc water 1 kombu 30g sababushi 200g pork meat 200g mushroom shiitake,eringi,hiratake long leek 10cc shirodashi 10cc mirin 50cc liquid miso egg mituba チャンネル登録お願い致します <(_ _)> ↑Youtubeアイコン…
Vongole fungi linguine 🍝🍄 130g linguine pasta 3000cc water 30g salt 1 garlic 1 chili pepper 10g anchovy paste olive oil 450g asari clam 200g mushroom shiitake,eringi,hiratake 20cc white wine olive oil mituba チャンネル登録お願い致します <(_ …
Conger eel and scrambled eggs bowl 🐟🥚 2 sea eel : conger eel : anago 80g brown sugaer100cc sake100cc mirin100cc soysauce1 chili pepper2 slice ginger 1 kombu 2 eggs 2cc~ shirodashi steamed cooked rice mituba チャンネル登録お願い致します <(_ _…
Chinese cabegge and pork doubangjang chop suey 10g garlic 20g ginger 30g doubangjang negi oil 350g pork meat 100g bamboo shoots 400g hakusai : chinese cabegge 20cc shaoxing sake pepper 30cc~ shirodashi 15g starch 150cc water yakisoba nood…
Mentaiko cream spaghettini 🍝 130g spaghettini 3000cc water 30g salt olive oil 100g eringi mushroom 180cc~ Vegetable low-fat fresh cream [Recommended] black pepper 100g mentaiko Parmesan cheese powder mituba チャンネル登録お願い致します <(_ …
Fried chicken tapioca fried chicken skin 🐔🍄 300g chicken 10g garlic 30g ginger 10cc shaoxing sake 10cc shirodashi 3cc soysauce 40g tapioca starch eringi green bell pepper チャンネル登録お願い致します <(_ _)> ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 maxma…
Shrimp wonton char siu men 🦐🐷🍜 Frozen shrimp wontonRefrigerated Chashu Package raw ramen long leek mituba チャンネル登録お願い致します <(_ _)> ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 maxmaxcooking.coolblog.jp 多くの日本語🍳レシピこちらにあります PASTAレシ…
Vongole rosso 🍝🍅 130g spagettini 3000cc water 30g salt 1 garlic 1chili pepper 10g~ anchovy paste olive oil 450g asari clam 80g mushroom 200g tomato 20cc white wine 5cc~ nampla olive oil mituba チャンネル登録お願い致します <(_ _)> ↑Youtubeア…
Tukekamo soba Duck dipping soup soba 280g soba 1000cc water 1 kombu 30g katuobushi 100g duck 100g mushroom: enoki,shiitake 50g long leek 80cc~ mirin 80cc~ soysauce 20g~ brown sugaer 5cc~ shirodashi mituba yuzu skin チャンネル登録お願い致…
Shirimp wonton egg flower soup 1000cc water 1 kombu 30g sababushi 200g shirimp 170g ground meat 50g long leek 1 garalic 8g ginger 10cc shirodashi pepper 10cc shaoxing sake sesami oil 5cc oyster sauce starch 【Soup】 pepper 10cc shirodashi…
Linguine of oyster and bigfin reef squid 130g Linguine 30g salt 3000cc Boiling water 1 garlic 1 chili pepper 10g anchovy paste olive oil 180g oyster 100g aoriika: bigfin reef squid 10cc white wine 5cc~ nam pla olive oil mituba チャンネル…
Chop suey with garlic sprouts and meat tofu 500g tofu (boild) 1 garlic 20g ginger 40g long leek 30g Doubanjiang nagi oil 300g meat 200g garlic sprouts 150g eggplant 500g tofu 20cc shirodashi pepper +10cc shirodashi sesami oil 10g sutarch …
Conger eel tempura bowl あなご天丼 【Conger eel sauce】 80g brown sugaer 100cc soysauce 100cc mirin 100cc sake 2 slice ginger 1 chili pepper +Roasted conger eel head and bones 【Tempura skin】 50g tempura powder 80cc~ soda チャンネル登録…
Seabass poele Butter garlic mushroom soysauce 180g seabass + salt+blackpepper+flour 150g mushroom:eringi.enoki.shiitake 60g butter = 20g×3 total ×2 garlic ************************* 20g butter olive oil 1 garlic 180g seabass 10cc white wi…
Arajiru Seabass Fish Soup 🐟🍲 【Dashi: soup stock】 2000cc water 10g kombu 60g sababushi 1kg seabass (ara: Bone, head part, fin) 15g salt 5cc~ mirin チャンネル登録お願い致します <(_ _)> ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 maxmaxcooking.coolblog.jp …
How to cut seabass 🎣🐟 チャンネル登録お願い致します <(_ _)> ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 maxmaxcooking.coolblog.jp 多くの日本語🍳レシピこちらにあります PASTA🍝レシピこちらから