maxmax cooking


ホウボウのアクアパッツァ 🐟🍳🍅🍄 Bluefin searobin Acqua pazza 4 Bluefin searobin 【Gurnard】ホウボウ 20g garlic 1 chill pepper olive oil 100g eringi mushroom 100g mushroom 100g tomato 200g asari (short neck clam) 100cc white wine pepper Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】h…

あさりときのこのリゾット 🍄🥓🍚 Risotto Clams and Mushroom 10g garlic 1 chill pepper olive oil 100g rice(koshihikari) 50g bacon 100g eringi + enoki mushroom 360g asari (short neck clam) 500cc hot water Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】…

Christmas PASTA 🎄🎅🍝 10g garlic 2 chili pepper olive oil 100g sausage 50g eringi mushroom 50g garlic sprouts 150g tomato 1cc~shirodashi (white soy sauce) ◆spaghettini Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】…

きのことベーコンのPASTA 🍄🍝 Mushrooms Bacon PASTA 10g garlic 2 chili pepper olive oil 80g bacon 180g mushrooms 70cc pasta boiled juice 1cc~ nam pla 40g long leek olive oil ◆spaghettini Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】…

かきのボンゴレ 🍝 Oyster Vongole 10g garlic 1 chili pepper 2g anchovy paste olive oil 360g asari : short neck clam 120g oyster ◆PASTA spaghettini 130g~ 1cc~ nam pla olive oil Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】…

簡単! 麻婆茄子 🍆 Mapo Eggplant 10g garlic 10g ginger 3 chili pepper negi oil 300g eggplant 70g garlicsprouts 60g eringi mushroom 130g meat pepper 5cc~ shirodashi 5g chiken soup powder 150cc water 5cc mirin 10cc oyster sauce 2cc~ sesame oil Please subscri…

横浜家系盛った 🍜 Enjoy with ramen 10g garlic 10g ginger 1 chili pepper negi oil 150g meat 70g garlic sprouts 200g bean sprouts pepper 10cc~ shirodashi 2cc~ sesame oil 1 egg ◆ramen 50g kikurage mushroom Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】https://…

鶏の味噌ロールかつ 🐓 Chicken Roll miso Cutlet 280g chicken breast 1 egg 20g~ flour 40g bread crumbs 50g~ long leek 2 egg plant 30g miso 5cc~ shirodashi 10g garlic 10g ginger yuzu peel Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】…

鍋ラーメン 🍲🍜 2度おいしいよ Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】 多くの日本語🍳レシピこちらにあります PASTA🍝レシピこちらから にほんブログ村

明太子かにかまPASTA 🦀? Mentaiko Crab stick Pasta 70g~ mentaiko 150g~ crab stick 15g~ butter olive oil 3000cc boiling water 30g salt ◆PASTA Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】 多…

鶏肉とにんにく芽、大根炒め 🐓 Stir fried chicken,garlic sprouts, and Daikon radish 200g chicken 10g garlic 20g ginger 130g garlic sprouts 230g hakusai : chinese cabbage 250g daikon 80g carrot 10g garlic 20g ginger negi oil pepper 20cc~ shirodashi 5g~ chicken soup powder 2cc~ sesame oil 150g water 15g star…

とんかつランチ 🐷 Tonkatsu Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】 多くの日本語🍳レシピこちらにあります PASTA🍝レシピこちらから にほんブログ村

🥟 これは麻〇💊? This is a Dru〇 Do〇e??💉 10g garlic 20g ginger 250g~ hakusai : chinese cabagge 100g nira : chinese chive 400g pork graund meat 10g salt gyoza skin (L×48P) 25cc~ shirodashi 25cc sesame oil 25cc oyster sauce white pepper Please subscribe my channel!…

鴨南蛮そば 🦆🍜 Kamonanban Duck soba noodles ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 200g duck meat 70g long leek 【Dashi】 1000cc water 1 kombu 20g katsuobushi (pack) 50cc mirin 50cc~ shirodashi 50cc~ soysauce 250g soba noodle mitsuba yuzu peel (japanese citoron) Please subscrib…

カニのPASTA 🦀🍝 Swimming crab PASTA 10g garlic 1 chili pepper 3g~ anchovy paste olive 400g swimming crab 120g tomato 10cc white wine 1cc~ nam pla 70cc~ pasta bpiled juice olive oil ◆Linguine ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax ch…

ボンゴレフンギフェトチーネ 🍄🍝 Vongole funghi Fettuccine 10g garlic 1 chili pepper 3g~ anchovy paste olive oil 360g asari (short neck clam) 80g eringi mushroom 10cc white wine olive oil 1cc~ nam pla ◆fettuccine ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax cha…

湯豆腐鴨ラーメン 🦆🍲🍜 Yudouf duck Ramen Dashi : soup stock Katuobushi konbu water Hot pot recipe dipping sauce: ponzu (ponzu vinegar sauce) long leek shichimi (chili : seven spice blend) ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】h…

カキとベーコンのPASTA 🥓🍄🍝 Oyster and bacon PASTA 10g garlic 1 chili pepper 70g bacon 50g eringi mushroom 150g oyster 5g~ anchovy paste 10cc white wine olive oil ◆spaghettini 1cc~ nam pla olive oil ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】…

ベーコンとエリンギのスパゲッティーニ 🥓🍄🍝 Bacon and king oyster mushroom spaghettini 10g garlic 3 chili pepper olive oil 100g bacon 100g eringi (king oyster mushroom) 10cc white wine ◆spaghettini 70cc pasta boiled juice 30g lomg leek 2cc nam pla olive oil ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 Please subscribe my chan…

ホタテとベーコンのフェトチーネ 🥓🍝 Fettuccine with scallops and bacon 10g garlic 1 chili pepper 5g~ anchovy paste olive oil 70g bacon 120g~ scallop 10cc white wine ◆Fettuccine 1cc~ nam pla ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】…

海老のアラビアータ フェトチーネ 🦐🍅🍝 Shrimp Arrabiata 15g garlic 3 chili pepper 10g anchovy paste olive oil 100g onion 200g tomato 120g shrimp ◆130g~ fettuccine 2cc~ nam pla olive oil ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】https://www.youtub…

ガーリックチキンバターチャーハン 🐓🍚🍳 Garlic chicken butter fried rice 10g garlic olive oil 250g chcken pepper 1~2cc shirodashi 10g garlic olive oil 30g butter 60g eringi mushroom 1 egg ◆sauteed chcken ◆180g hot rice pepper 1~2cc shirodashi 1~2cc soy sauce 30g long leek ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで…

海老と豆腐のうま煮 🦐🍳 Braised shrimp and tofu 10g garlic 20g ginger 50g long leek 3 chili pepper negi oil 200g shrimp ◆500gBoiled tofu 50g kikurage mushroom 150g water 5g~ chicken soup powder pepper 10cc sake 10cc~shirodashi 2cc~ oyster sauce 10g starch + water mitsub…

のどぐろ炙り丼 🐟🍚 Nodoguro aburi rice bowl 【Dashi sauce】 50cc Dashi (katsuobushi+kombu) 3cc~ shirodashi 2cc~ mirin 3cc~soy sauce ◆200g Hot rice ★200g~ Aburi : nodoguro nori (seaweed) 50g long leek 3P quail eggs mitsuba wasabi ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 Please sub…

鯵のなめろう丼 🐟🍚 Horse mackerel Namero Rice bowl 200g~ Horse mackerel 20g ginger 50g long leek 30g~ miso 5cc shirodashi 5cc soy sauce Shichimi (Japanese chili poeder) ◆Hot cooked rice mitsuba ★Namero (Traditional fisherman’s miso based tartar) 1 egg york ↑Youtubeアイコン…

新たけのこペペロンチーノ 🌿🍝🍳 New bamboo shoots pepelonchino 10g garlic 3 chili pepper olive oil 70g bacon 200g bamboo ◆130g~spaghetti 5cc shirodashi 50~70cc pasta boiled juice 2cc nam pla olive oil mitsuba ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】h…

新たけのこの塩炒め 🌿🍳 Stir fried new bamboo shoots with salt 10g garlic 20g ginger 6 chili pepper negi oil 200g garlic sprouts 400g bamboo shoots 10cc shaoxing sake pepper 10cc shirodashi 2cc nam pla 100cc water 5g chicken soup powder 130g shrimp 100g squid 5cc~ sesame oil 10g starch…

肉バターチャーハン 🐷🍚🍳 Meat butter fried rice 10g garlic olive oil 30g bacon 180g meat 60g eringi 30g butter 1 egg ◆200g Hot rice pepper 5cc~ shirodashi 5cc~ soy sauce 30g long leek mitsuba ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax channel】http…

小柱と明太子のPASTA 🍝 Baby scallops and Mentaiko Pasta 10g garlic 1chili pepper olive oil 5g anchovy paste 300g babay scallop (itayagai kobashira) 10cc white wine 130g~ spaghetti olive oil 30g~mentaiko mitsuba ↑YoutubeアイコンClickで登録 Please subscribe my channel! 【maxmax ch…

ワンタンメン 🍜🐷 Wontonmen 300g hakusai : chinese cabagge 15g salt ◆300g hakusai (Rubbed with salt,lightly washed and squeezed) 10g garlic 20g ginger 100g nira : chinese chive 50g long leek 350g ground pork meat pepper 10cc shirodashi 10cc~ sesame o…